Mission: To spread joy by binding humans to humanity through the process of handcrafting.
Women, in most traditional communities, tend to be the caretakers of the family. As they raise their families and care for their elders, they are in the best position to make the day-to-day decisions on how family funds need to be used. However, they seldom get to make these decisions as they are seldom in a position to contribute to the household income. When they have economic independence, they are then empowered to make household decisions. They raise their families and eventually their communities with them. They can create change that will impact generations to come.

The Indian Yards Foundation and The Good Gift Social Enterprise Ecosystem have been created to turn these women into first-generation artisans and then subsequently into earning members.

Indian Yards Foundation starts the journey by recruiting interested women either through our own outreach or with the help of partners. We then host an intensive training program which introduces the women to a spectrum of craft forms The women then get a deep dive into individual craft forms based on their interests and aptitude. Once qualified, The Good Gift places orders with the artisans. Orders are based on market demand and trends. These orders contribute to the equitable income generation for the artisans.

We continuously work with a network of local civil society organizations and the district administration to reach women or communities that need our intervention. Our uptake is largely dependent on the amount of demand that our marketing arm, The Good Gift, can generate. We do not believe in upskilling women without giving them ways to monetise their skills. Every woman that we induct into the artisan community is provided with monetisation support and more, thus making the impact real.